Yep, it was stuck-on poopie. She spent the next half hour chasing me around the house trying to get that poopie out of my floofy! It's not an easy job, and I hissed at her a few times. Here are the steps your Mommy can try if you get poopie stuck in your floofy.
1. Have her use her bare hands and try to pry it out of your fur - this will gross her out!
2. Tell her to get a washcloth and rub it out of your tail or pantaloons. This usually makes a big stinky mess.
3. Jump on the kitchen table while she gets the scissors to cut it out. You will see her run real fast to get those scissors while she is yelling at you to get off the table.
4. Tell her to feed you and then while you're eating, she can try to cut it out of your fur.
5. Wait til it dries (they hate waiting) and then brush it out.
Do you cats have any other tricks for getting the poopie out of your floofy?
Poop On . . . . . . .